Endangered Species Act
- Thesis: The Endangered Species Act tends to protect and preserve species that face the dangers of extinction. There are more advantages to this Act than the benefits of the economics.
- Introduction: why this topic causes controversy in the society and the reason it is important to the society.
- Reasons for the Endangered Species Act
- Causes of Endangered Species
- Strategies of the Government in implementing the Act
- Challenges of the Endangered Species Act
- Conclusion
The Endangered Species Act tends to protect and preserve species that face the dangers of extinction. There are more advantages to this Act than the benefits of the economics.
The government ability to pass the law of protecting animals especially animals that are becoming extinct is proving it beneficial. The rules and regulation governing the protection of the extinct species is called Endangered Species Act. The law is under the environmental department. The law requires society to participate in the preservation of the every species in the environment. The society should be able to understand animals that are endangered are those that face extinction. There are animals are extinct. The reason for their extinction is likely to be human activities such as hunting. The act plays a vital role in preserving and educating the members of the society about the environment they are habitat. The law provides the community with a mixture of benefits that a particular species offer. The law is necessary for supporting the development of life . The society can understand the reason for the protection and preservation of the extinct species on earth. The law has gone through several amendments to improve the rules and regulations of preserving and protecting the environment. Some of the rules and regulations are the prohibition of importing and exporting of the species that are facing the dangers of extinction. Some of the species that are facing the danger of extinction is the whooping crane. The factors that are facilitating the amendment of the Act are the dangers the bison species are facing. The extinction of the passenger pigeon are some of the factors that have contributed to the creation and passing of the law . There are more advantages than shortcomings of the Act to the society. In order to look understand the Endangered Species Act; one should be able to be familiar with the advantages and disadvantages of the law. One should be able to understand the good side of the rules and regulation and the shortcomings that comes with it. The law has many merits over the shortcomings. The Act covers all the terrestrial and freshwater species that are more in danger of extinction. The species that are facing extinction are also part of “natural heritage of the society”. It is necessary to take care of these animals because they are rapidly on the verge of vanishing.
Reasons for the Endangered Species Act
The society needs to understand the reasons and significance of the law in the society. The endeavor to save and protect the endangered species seems to help the community. The present society is facing the destruction of the environment and in the process is leading to the extinction of species . The primary cause of this extinction is the activities of humans. Another reason is the introduction of non-native species in the ecosystem. The significance of the act is to protect and preserve the natural habitat of the society, especially the extinct species living in the coastal areas. The law has already achieved saving close to 99 per cent of species that are facing extinction . The ability to provide the Act with freedom to control the environment and the natural resources will prove to be more effective. There are more advantages to this Act than the benefits of the economics. Some individuals criticize the Act suggesting that it is one of the reasons for economic problems. People would rather sacrifice the endangered specifies for the selfish gain. The actions of the law in protecting and preserving the fact prove differently. According to some researchers, the Act is also contributing to the development of the economy . It is significant for the society to understand the economic benefits that the rare species have. For example, they can act as a tourist attraction thus facilitating the economic growth.
It is essential to protect the natural habitat where the rare species are living. If a particular species, goes extinct it is likely that the society will never be able to enjoy the benefits that it has to the community. The ability to maintain nature allows the society to keep up with evolution. It is essential to note that every species is part of the ecosystem. The species are also part of the food chain . The ability to destroy the species in an ecosystem will likely influence the process of nature thus creating imbalance. It is then after some species become endangered. One should be able to understand that when the society cannot take care of endangered species they are directly influencing the scarcity of food, air, water and other important natural resources in the environment. When people decide to take action of taking care of the animals, then the society is able to enjoy the benefits of the environment . Protecting the species are important to the well-being of the environment, for instance there are some species that contribute to the development of natural resources. Participating in protecting the species that are facing the danger of extinction is proving to restore nature. The importance of preserving these species is to ensure continuity of life. The essence of preservation of these species is to provide the society with the ability to embrace culture and origin of the earth . It is the duty of the human beings to make sure that the earth is taken care of. According to the faith, for example the christens, it is man’s duty to make sure that the environment is more efficient to live in and by doing so “every species should be protected from extinction” . Species are essential parts of an ecosystem. The species are important in the ecosystem since they boost the fruitfulness of the environment, for instance soil. The capability for the species to promote richness of soil fertility will allow the society to take on in economic development endeavors such as farming. The activities will contribute to the growth of the economy. It is necessary to follow the rules and regulations of the Endangered Act so that the economy will increase due to the indirect contribution of different species on earth.
The need of protecting the endangered species is important, because not only they offer the society with beauty, but they also serve other significant functions such as the economic benefits of a society such as tourism and invention and research. The species have the ability to clean the environment, for instance, there are some organism, which clean the air, have the capability of regulating the weather and the water conditions . There are some species with the capability of controlling the crop pests and disease, and hence offer the society with a vast solution for medicine. The society should understand that the extinction of the rare species would lead to the disadvantage in the medicine world, for example, the cure of cancer depends much on the natural plants . Antibiotic drugs are usually made from the natural plants that are in the society. The drugs have played important role in the society. there are some species that have important role to play in the society but they are yet to be discovered. In order to discover these roles and benefits that the species play in the society, it is the responsibility of the human population to abide by the Act and later experience the benefits of the species. According to research, the science world estimates that there are 30 to 40 million species on the surface of earth . Most of these species are able to be represented by many genetically distinct population. The society is unable to know the characteristics of these species. According to research, there are less than two million of these species that can be described. Since the society have cannot be able to identify some of these species, there is high possibility that the species can become extinct. It is essential to study and take care of other species other than the preferred ones, such as wild animals. It is probable that when the society is able to take care of the species, there may be a cure for some diseases whose cure is yet to be found.
Since the enactment of the Act into law, there have been helpful outcomes in the ecosystem. According to a study conducted in 2012, there have been 56 species that have been delisted, while there are 28 species pending resurgence. According to the report, there are ten species that due for extinction from the ecosystem. According to the Act, there are certain penalties those persons who violet the rules are deemed to face. There are different ways people violet the Act. According to the law, offences such as the trafficking of animals or plants are highly punishable . Any act that involves hurting or wounding the animals with clear conscious is also punishable. The basis for enacting this Act was to assist in the preservation and protection of the animals. Without these penalties, people in the society could not participate on the process of protecting the endangered species. The endangered Species Act provides a number of important protective measures that the society will use to preserve and protect the species that are facing extinction . The measures in this Act include the restriction from hunting, transporting or doing illegal business such as buying and selling the species that are listed to be rare. In addition, the law requires that certain local bodies should be able to enforce the rules and regulation to maintain the preservation and protection of the act. Some environmental control departments are formed to enforce such rules . Specific Acts should protect the groups of the act. For instance, there is an Act called the Marine Mammal Protection Act that is enacted to regulate and protect the marine life especially mammal species. Different countries have their rules and regulation protecting their endangered species.
The advantage of the Endangered Species act is that it has the capability of being successful and effective by bringing different species back into numbers. The importance of these is to enable the ecosystem to function efficiently thus supporting nature of life. The ability to bring the numbers of species back into the ecosystem will prove to be a critical thing to different activities of the human population. Bringing the numbers back will assist the society to achieve activities like food chain, mutual relationship in the ecosystem and other activities like supporting the evolution of life. On the other side of the argument, there is no reason to use the ecosystem for selfish gain . There is no benefit on the activities of using the ecosystem to get rich while the environment is not progressing. Another advantage of the Act over the economic benefit of the society is the ability to make the people within the society concerned about the diminishing of the rare species. The Act is educating people on the significance of protecting and preserving the species together with their habitats. People are able to recognize the significance of the Act to the society . The benefits range from economic, scientific, medicine and culture. Another advantage of the Act is the ability to effectively preserve and protect the environment. People are able to understand the significance of environment in the society. Since the modification of the Act, there have major improvement on the undertakings of protecting the environment . The process of preserving and protecting the species entails among other activities, “protecting the habitats of the animals and plants”. Environmental enhancement is another important advantage that the Act provides. The ability to maintain the safety of the ecosystem has managed to eliminate the fear of seeing the society unable to sustain and maintain the nature of life. The act can help the society benefit from preserving the species.
Some people perceive the acct being a disadvantage to the economy. Some of their arguments are based on the ability of the Act to improve the economy. The implementation of Endangers species Act requires a lot of finance to be able to function efficiently. If there are no funds, then likely there will be no effective process of managing the Act . Different activities need to run efficiently to enable the society be able to implement the process. Some people will argue that more finances are being used to save already extinct rare species. This statement is raising a lot of controversy as some researchers think it is important to maintain the aspects of nature rather than leaving them to diminish. Despite the benefits that the Act provides to the society, very few people notice the importance of preserving and protecting the endangered species. Long and short-term economic advantages will likely interfere with the operation of protecting and preserving the endangered species . There are individuals who argue that the regulations on land use and restrictions to protect the species’ habitat can likely pose negative impacts on tourism and trade activities, which may result to the loss of employment for some people. According to them, this will result to poor economic ventures in the society. Some critics argue that this Act of Endangered Species is inflexible and extreme.
The Endangered Act also works with other partners in conserving the environment. The Act campaigns for the conservation of the rare species and on the habitats where they live. The Act also provides objectives and goals of the environment protection Act. The objective is to be able to eliminate the threats and obstacles that affect the survival of the rare species and be able to provide the species with a favorable environment. The significance of the Act over the economic benefits is the availability of clean and safe environment. The Act prohibits the use of toxic chemicals on the habitats of the endangered species. The species belongs to nature, which are the source of life, which plays a significance role in daily lives.
According to some scientist, preserving and protecting the rare species is similar to preserving the source of life. Human beings have been able to achieve million of invention through nature. The nature plays a big part in the development of civilization . The successful advancement of medicine is because of the nature. The Act tends to protect this nature that act as a source of life t the human population. The ability of the law to preserve and protect the species is directly contributing to the development of sources of life in the society. For instance, the Act gives power to the institution responsible with environmental conservation to protect the nature thus promoting the evolution of life. The ability to preserve and protect the nature enables the society to have a beautiful environment . The Act also promotes the beautification of the society through preservation and protection of the endangered plants and animals. For example, the nature contains beautiful creatures such as birds that enhance the beauty of the environment. Preserving and protecting rare species is an advantage to the individuals who perceive the nature to be beautiful. It is necessary to understand that the Act plays a vital role in the economy of the society. For example, many rare species have both economic and cultural significance in the society. Some societies spend more resources such as camping, fishing, and photography . The activities contribute to economic development because of the existence of nature. If there are no laws regulating these activities, then there is a high possibility that the economy, medicine, and other activities that depend on the nature will cease to exist.
The ability to protect the species that are facing extinction tends to promote the culture of the society. Culture is an important thing in different societies. According to some researches, many species have been considered to be cultural or artistic signs. For instance, endangered animals like tigers and elephants are symbols of some societies in Asia . Despite them being more important by representing the culture of the society, people are continuing to hunt them thus making them to be extinct. Without these species, there is probability that some of these communities would not be recognized. The ability to discover the origin of some culture, it is essential to understand how these animals are significant to these communities. Another value of the species is the scientific value. Most of the species in the ecosystem have proven to be more important. Scientific researchers use the natural environment to perform their experiments that would later become beneficial to the society . Neglecting to protect the species that are facing extinction will affect the ability of the scientist to conduct their research in order to make the world a better living. Despite other people arguing that the process of protecting the endangered species is expensive, they should look at long-term solutions. Benefits like farming, medicine, economics through tourism and farming proves to be a result of the Act.
When a species is listed under, the Endangered Species Act it can identify some host of ecosystem concerns that may if not go taken care of may go unnoticed. Some rare species can signify pollution, environmental destruction, or poisoning of the ecosystem, which can be dangerous to human population. According to this circumstance, the Endangered Species Act can draw attention to rare species like the freshwater mussel, which can make the public aware of the conditions of the environment . When a species is under protection under the Endangered Species laws and regulation, it becomes unlawful to destroy or considerably alter the habitat of the species. Species are continuing to lose their habitats because of the growing demand of human needs in the society . Man is the main source of the loss of habitats in the society. people always engage in activities that hurt the environment where the species live. When individuals wipe out wild land to build quarters, industrial units, market centers, and eating-place, the land is being changed. The species that one time used to live there, including the bugs and birds all may end up to be non existence. Some animals may decide to look for new environments to be able to survive. Human activities will cause the environment to face inadequate supply of food and other basic elements that come from natural resources. For instance, activities such as the spraying pesticides on crops will likely kill bugs that are inside the soil and have no harm to the crops.
Causes of Endangered Species
The first major thing that causes the rise in species facing extinction is human activities. Human activities cause the species that are listed on the Act to diminish. Activities such as hunting, farming, and pollution are the major causes of emergence of rare species. Different governments have put up strategies that regulate the activities of human that tends to protect the species . For instance, the US government is prohibiting all illegal hunting that tends to destroy the existence of rare species. Another factor that affects the survival of the species is the natural disasters. There are times when the environment is faced with natural calamities such as earthquakes, volcanoes eruptions, Tsunami, typhoon and other minor disasters . The disasters are also contributing to the extinct nature of the rare species. When for instance, a particular habitat that inhabits the species, there is high possibility that the species will not survive. it is beyond the capability of man to control such acts. The only thing an individual may perceive to do is to try and look for another habitat that will host the species.
Another issue that is contributing to the increase of rare species to be extinct is pollution, either natural or by human activities. Foreign species often have a voracious or competitive advantage over native species, which for a long period been a part of a particular biological environment . Even while native species are well modified to their environment, they might not be capable to deal with species that directly compete with them for food or hunt in ways that native species has not developed defenses against. As a result, the native species cannot survive the environment hence causing the emergence of rare species. Few people are able to know the dangers that foreign species brings to the habitat. more than the 200 years ago, individuals have made considerable changes to natural surroundings all over the world, and a large amount of these changes have negatively affected flora and fauna, forcing an exceptional numbers of species toward extinction . Nevertheless, extinction is a natural biological development that has been a part of species' evolution since the start of time. According to some research, fossil report have shown that, even earlier than humans were a part of the world's biota, natural causes such as overspecialization , antagonism, unexpected climatic change, or disastrous events like volcanic eruptions and earthquakes have driven animals and plants into endangerment and extinction. Even lawful hunting, fishing, and collecting of wild species can direct to population decrease that force species to become endangered. Unrestricted whaling in the 20th century is an illustration of in excess of exploitation of wild animals. The whaling business extremely reduced the sizes of many animals and plants ecosystems particularly the whales. As a result of the death of many whale species that led to their almost becoming extinct, a number of countries the USA included made an accord to stick by the international moratorium on whaling. Because of the moratorium, a number of whale species, for instance the grey whale, have made outstanding comebacks into the habitats, while others continue to be threatened or endangered.
Strategies of the Government in implementing the Act
The government of USA is making sure that the wild animals are taken care of. For instance, the government has formed bodies to monitor the progress of the wild animals. The implementation of the process requires many resources such as finance to enable it be successful. The government is implementing the Act by prosecuting individuals who fail to abide by the laws regulating the endangered species that are on the brink to face extinction. Another way the government is protecting or implementing the Act is through giving the local government bodies a responsibility to ensure that the Act is effective. The government has been campaigning and education the members of the public on the importance and benefits of the ecosystem and their species. The government has introduced a program to determine the progress of the rare species that are on the brink of facing extinction. There are sensors to determine the number of increase in each species that facilitating the implementation of the Act. The National Environmental Policy (NEPA) came into existence in 1969. Its main responsibility was to integrate environmental values into decision-making process. The department considers the environmental impacts of major causes that affect the habitats of the endangered species. The government also has been able to classify the endangered species in the society. The importance of classifying them is to make sure that there is progress in every species and to take account of the effective process of the Act.
Challenges of the Endangered Species Act
There are some challenges that the Act faces. Some of the biggest challenge is the availability of resources. The ability of the government to provide resources such as funds for the management of the project is important. The inadequate supply of funds has proven to be ineffective in the management and protection of the habitats of the rare species. Another challenge that the Act is facing is that there are still some countries in the world where such rules and regulations do not exist will tend to destroy the species and temper with their natural habitats. Politics sometimes also plays part in the process of the Act performing its duties and responsibility. Some politicians argue that the process is a waste of the national resource. The politicians think that by protecting and preserving the animals, it is a step back in the economic sector. Another setback in the implementation of this Act is corruption. Some officers, who need to maintain the laws of the Act, engage themselves in unlawful activities like corruption. For instance, when poachers hunt endangered animals, they have to bribe the officers first before they commence with their activities.
The Endangered Species Act is benefiting the society through the preservation and protection of endangered species. The act is playing a big role than the economic benefit that some critics are arguing suggesting that the Act is negatively affecting the economy. The successful advancement of medicine is because of the nature. The Act tends to protect this nature that act as a source of life t the human population. The ability of the law to preserve and protect the species is directly contributing to the development of sources of life in the society. The significance of the act is to protect and preserve the natural habitat of the society, especially the extinct species living in the coastal areas. The Act also provides objectives and goals of the environment protection Act. There are more advantages to this Act than the benefits of the economics. Some individuals criticize the Act suggesting that it is one of the reasons for economic problems. The objective is to be able to eliminate the threats and obstacles that affect the survival of the rare species and be able to provide the species with a favorable environment. The significance of the Act over the economic benefits is the availability of clean and safe environment. The act has gone through several amendments to improve the rules and regulations of preserving and protecting the environment. Some of the rules and regulations are the prohibition of importing and exporting of the species that are facing the dangers of extinction. The Acts covers all the terrestrial and freshwater species that are more in danger of extinction. The ability for the human population to destroy the habitat will lead to the threat to every species that is living in the area. Human activities are continuing to destroy the habitats such as the forests, which is the home for most of the endangered species, swamps, plains that include also the desert, lakes and other marine life. The habitats continue to disappear because of human consumption. Lacking a strong strategy to produce terrestrial and marine protected areas, significant ecological habitats will not continue to get destroyed. Most of the species in the ecosystem have proven to be more important. Scientific researchers use the natural environment to perform their experiments that would later become beneficial to the society. Foreign species often have a voracious or competitive advantage over native species, which for a long period been a part of a particular biological environment. Even while native species are well modified to their environment, they might not be capable to deal with species that directly compete with them for food or hunt in ways that native species has not developed defenses against. As a result, the native species cannot survive the environment hence causing the emergence of rare species. Neglecting to protect the species that are facing extinction will affect the ability of the scientist to conduct their research in order to make the world a better living. Despite other people arguing that the process of protecting the endangered species is expensive, they should look at long-term solutions. Benefits like farming, medicine, economics through tourism and farming proves to be a result of the Act. Preserving and protecting rare species is an advantage to the individuals who perceive the nature to be beautiful. It is necessary to understand that the Act plays a vital role in the economy of the society. For example, many rare species have both economic and cultural significance in the society. Despite the benefits that the Act provides to the society, very few people notice the importance of preserving and protecting the endangered species. Long and short-term economic advantages will likely interfere with the operation of protecting and preserving the endangered species. There are individuals who argue that the regulations on land use and restrictions to protect the species’ habitat can likely pose negative impacts on tourism and trade activities, which may result to the loss of employment for some people. In line with them, this will lead to poor economic undertakings in the society. One should be able to appreciate the positive side of the regulations and guideline and the limitations that comes with it. The law gives many merits over the shortcomings. The Acts covers all the terrestrial and freshwater species that are more in danger of extinction. The species that are facing extinction are also the elements of natural heritage of the society. The Act is also facing some challenges to provide effective regulations of controlling the rare species facing the danger of extinction. The inadequate supply of funds has proven to be ineffective in the management and protection of the habitats of the rare species. Another challenge that the Act is facing is that there are still some countries in the world where such rules and regulations do not exist will tend to destroy the species and temper with their natural habitats. Some politicians argue that the process is a waste of the national resource. The politicians think that by protecting and preserving the animals, it is a step back in the economic sector. Another setback in the implementation of this Act is corruption. Some officers, who need to maintain the laws of the Act, engage themselves in unlawful activities like corruption.